If you are looking for funny college jokes, then you have come to the right place. There are many funny jokes and pranks that are popular among college students. In fact, they are often jokes that have to do with everyday life and the stress of studying, and are intended to poke fun at some of the things that can be stressful while in college.
Whenever you are studying with friends or when you are at a party and you need to break the ice, tell a funny joke to make things more fun.
College Humor Jokes
It is important to note that there are many types of college humor jokes available in different areas of interest. The following are some of the most common areas of college humor:
- Jokes for parties
- Sports jokes and football jokes to make you laugh
- Jokes can be studied by studying them
- There are a lot of jokes about majors out there
- There are a lot of jokes about tests out there
- College jokes about the life of a student
Party Jokes
There are a lot of college party jokes that play on the idea that college is mainly a place for partying. A good example of a joke that can be made is the saying: “I went to college and all I got was a hangover.” Other common jokes include activities that involve alcohol, such as hurting one’s self during a game of beer pong.
It is generally thought that these jokes are meant to mock those persons who spend too much time at parties and not enough time in the classroom by making fun of them.
You might want to try this joke out at your next party:
What happened to the fraternity brother who got a bump on his head? I believe he was trying to do a keg stand at the time.
Football and Sports Jokes
Jokes about college sports and jocks are another common type of joke. Many make fun of jocks as being “stupid” or not interested in the academic portion of college while others may poke fun at how terrible the school’s football team is.
Some example of sports jokes are:
- What does it take for a football player to pass a class? Answer: Show up.
- How many jocks does it take to complete a term paper? None, that is what having a smart roommate is for!
Major and Studying Jokes
Many common studying jokes pun on the idea of students so involved in their studies that they forget everything else. A common joke that works with most majors is:
Why did the engineering student miss his date? Answer: He was too busy studying.
As there are a large amount of majors at most colleges, there are jokes catered to each major. There are many jokes that make fun of the idea that liberal arts majors are easy. To poke fun at a philosophy major, one may say that all they do is sit under a tree and ponder the world around them.
Test Jokes
There are a lot of common jokes that involve college testing. One funny joke is:
A professor has a classroom filled with students about to take a philosophy final. The only question on the test is “Why?” All of the students begin to write feverishly. One student, however, writes, “Why not?” and leaves. The professor instantly gives him an A.
College Life Jokes
Some of the most popular jokes involve college life. There are many stereotypes that college students are both poor and crafty. Other jokes may involve fraternity or sororities and poke fun at those who join. Some jokes about college life include:
- What is the best way to save money during college? Answer: Use Happy Hour as your main dining option.
- Two parents were talking one day and one asked the other what their son was taking in college. The one replied: He’s taking every penny I have!
- How do you know that you have been in college too long? Answer: Your parents are running out of money!
- How many fraternity brothers does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None. That’s what pledges are for!
- Where can you find sorority girls? Answer: Dancing on top of tables.
- Why is studying better than sex? Answer: You can finish early without feeling shame.
Practical Jokes
Another common element of college humor is practical jokes. College residential life especially is known for students playing pranks and tricks upon one another. Some safe but silly college pranks include:
- Toilet papering the doors in the dorm
- Filling up a dorm room with balloons
- Knocking on doors late at night then hiding
- Setting your roommate’s alarm clock for 3 am
- Moving your roommate’s bed out on the lawn
- Switching the names on the dorm room doors
De-stress With Humor
Whether you prefer jokes or pranks, a good laugh can help alleviate some of the stress of campus life. When situations get too serious, lighten up the mood with a silly prank or some witty jokes to tell your friends that will make everyone around you laugh and will put a smile on their face each time they think of it.